Turbocharge Scientific Research with Conversational Data Exploration using PandasAI

Turbocharge Scientific Research with Conversational Data Exploration using PandasAI

For researchers, analyzing complex experimental and simulation data is a core part of the scientific process. But wrestling with datasets using traditional coding approaches can drain time and resources away from discovery. What if researchers could analyze their data more intuitively?

With its conversational interface, PandasAI enables researchers to explore data and uncover insights through natural language conversations. This guide will walk through how PandasAI can accelerate scientific research workflows using hands-on examples.


PandasAI allows users to analyze datasets conversationally in plain English without coding. Key features relevant for scientific research include:

  • Exploratory analysis - Dig into datasets by asking questions in natural language
  • Interactive queries - Refine analysis through conversational follow-up questions
  • Statistical testing - Run significance tests and model data simply by chatting
  • Data visualization - Generate interactive charts, plots, and maps conversationally
  • Connect data sources - Seamlessly analyze data from instruments, simulations, APIs

With these capabilities, PandasAI has the power to transform how researchers interact with data and potentially speed up discoveries.

Installation and Setup

Let's first install PandasAI and load a sample dataset to experience its conversational interface in action:

# Install using pip 
pip install pandasai

For this guide, we will use the clinical_trials.csv dataset containing results from a hypothetical clinical trial investigating different drug formulations.

from pandasai import SmartDataframe

df = SmartDataframe("clinical_trials.csv") 

This creates a SmartDataframe that wraps the underlying Pandas DataFrame and enables conversational abilities through PandasAI.

We're now ready to start exploring the clinical trial data conversationally!

Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory analysis is crucial for researchers to get acquainted with datasets and form hypotheses. PandasAI empowers intuitive data exploration through natural language.

Understanding the Data

Let's start with some basic questions to understand the dataset:

Q: What are the columns in the dataset?

df.chat("What are the columns in the dataset?")

A: The columns in the dataset are:

  • Patient_ID
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Formulation
  • Dosage
  • Tumor_Size_Start
  • Tumor_Size_End

PandasAI provides an overview of the data by listing the columns.

Q: What are the different drug formulations present?

df.chat("What are the different drug formulations present?")

A: The drug formulations present are:

  • Formulation A
  • Formulation B
  • Formulation C

It aggregates the data to show the unique categories in the requested column.

Segmenting and Aggregating Data

We can further explore by segmenting data and calculating aggregates:

Q: Compare the average tumor size reduction across formulations and dosages.

df.chat("Compare the average tumor size reduction across formulations and dosages.")


Formulation Dosage Avg Tumor Size Reduction
A 10 mg 4.2 mm
A 20 mg 5.1 mm
B 10 mg 2.8 mm
B 20 mg 3.7 mm
C 10 mg 3.2 mm
C 20 mg 4.5 mm

PandasAI understands the question and aggregates the data by the requested segments to compare averages. This enables researchers to easily extract key insights from the data.

Statistical Analysis and Modeling

Beyond exploration, PandasAI can also handle more advanced analysis like statistical tests and modeling through conversational commands.

Hypothesis Testing

Let's test for statistically significant differences between formulations:

Q: Is there a significant difference in average tumor reduction between Formulations A and B?

df.chat("Is there a significant difference in average tumor reduction between Formulations A and B?")

A: An unpaired t-test shows the difference in mean tumor reduction between Formulations A and B is statistically significant (p = 0.012).

PandasAI automatically runs a t-test and interprets the results to answer the question.

Regression Analysis

We can also build models like regressions conversationally:

Q: Build a linear regression model predicting tumor reduction based on drug dosage.

df.chat("Build a linear regression model predicting tumor reduction based on drug dosage.")

A: The regression equation is:
Tumor Reduction = 1.2 * Dosage + 1.8

R-squared of the model is 0.62, indicating a moderately strong fit.

PandasAI constructs the requested regression model to uncover relationships in the data.

Outlier Detection

Identifying anomalies is also key for data cleaning:

Q: Which patient responses appear to be outliers?

df.chat("Which patient responses appear to be outliers?") 

A: Patients 34, 89, and 130 have tumor reduction values more than 3 standard deviations from the mean, indicating potential outliers.

Being able to conversationally test for outliers makes data prep much easier.

Data Visualization

Visualizing data through plots, charts and maps is pivotal for findings. PandasAI provides a conversational interface to visualization as well.

Q: Plot a scatter chart showing the relationship between drug dosage and tumor reduction.

df.chat("Plot a scatter chart showing the relationship between drug dosage and tumor reduction.")

It automatically generates the requested scatter plot visualization.

Q: Create a box plot showing the distribution of tumor reduction by drug formulation.

df.chat("Create a box plot showing the distribution of tumor reduction by drug formulation.")

It creates a box plot.

The conversational approach to visualization enables rapid iteration to gain insights.

Connecting to Data Sources

PandasAI also shines in its ability to connect to diverse data sources like instruments, simulations, databases and APIs.

This code snippet pulls clinical trial data from an API into PandasAI for conversational analysis:

from ..custom_connectors import RESTAPIConnector 

trials_api = RESTAPIConnector("https://clinicaltrials.org/trials/274321")

df = SmartDataframe(trials_api)

Integrating such connectors enables researchers to converse with any data relevant to their experiments and models.


In this guide, we walked through how PandasAI can accelerate scientific workflows by providing intuitive conversational access to:

  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Statistical testing and modeling
  • Data visualization
  • Connecting to instruments, simulations and APIs

With the ability to ask questions in plain English and get automated insights, PandasAI has the potential to significantly boost researcher productivity. By minimizing time spent on coding and data wrangling, it allows researchers to focus efforts on hypothesizing, experimentation and discovery.

While we used a healthcare example here, the conversational analytics approach is broadly applicable across scientific domains like biology, physics, environmental science and more. PandasAI's flexibility enables it to converse with diverse datasets from simulations, IoT sensors, lab equipment and other sources.

As scientific datasets grow exponentially larger and more complex, intuitive tools like PandasAI will become invaluable to tame the data deluge. By embracing conversational interfaces today, science can accelerate discoveries that drive human progress.